RTlicious had a 12 hour crop on Saturday 7th June 2008 at the Newman Neighbourhood Centre. The ladies were pamepered whilst they worked on their Unfinished projects or started on some new projects.
Rhonda and I even managed to finish a few projects ourselves. Thanks to all the ladies that particapted on the day.
The most common comment - we need more of these days and when is the next one? We will let you know soon ladies.
Well I had the biggest suprise today. I thought I was going to a Tupperware party. When I arrived at the party it ended up being my baby shower. It was such a nice suprise. Thanks to Renee and Rhonda Smithers for organising it all. And a big thanks to the people there that made it special.
I had to show you a pic of the gorgeous decorations clever Renee made using the Cricut and the New Arrivals cartridge. They were a beautiful touch. Renee even made the invites using the nappy diecut on this cartridge. What a fantastic idea - thanks Renee!